Tips For Using Emollients

by Mel on March 8, 2011

Regardless of the type of emollient you choose to use there are some common rules that if followed will enable you to gain the most benefit from your emollient.

  • To reduce the risk of infection always wash your hands before applying your emollient.
  • Always patch test an emollient that is being used for the first time.
  • To prevent the skin drying out apply your emollient immediately after drying the skin.
  • To minimize skin irritation and increased itching always rub emollients in the direction of the hair growth.
  • To decrease the risk of cross infection, never share your emollient with other people.
  • To moisturize your skin overnight, apply an emollient to your whole body before going to bed.
  • To minimize skin irritation, apply moisturizing creams gently.
  • Always follow the manufacturers instructions.

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